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F. Marcello, Giuseppe Pagano. Design for Social change in Fascist Italy, Intellect 2020.


Articles in The Conversation

F. Marcello, Where has Melbourne’s political graffiti gone?, The Conversation, April 26, 2018 5.13am AEST


Chapters in edited books

F. Marcello, “Problems of Abstraction. BBPR’s Monument to the Fallen in Concentration Camps, Milan (1946, 1950, 1955)” in K. B. Jones and S. Pilat (eds.) The Routledge companion to Italian Fascist architecture : reception and legacy. Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, 2020, 491-506.

F. Marcello, “L’architettura delle case del Mutilato”, in I. Simonini (ed.), Storia, arte e architettura nella Casa del Mutilato di Ravenna, Edizioni del Girasole, Ravenna 2019.

F. Marcello & A. Carter, "The Axum Obelisk. Shifting concepts of colonialism and empire in Fascist and 21st-century Rome" in Daniel Coslett ed.

Neocolonialism and Built Heritage. Echoes of Empire in Africa, Asia, and Europe, Routledge 2019, 42-64.


F. Marcello, “Triumph, Power and Providence in Roman Town Planning: the Golden Age of Flavian Rome” in Samantha Martin-McAuliffe and Daniel Millette eds., Ancient Urban Planning in the Mediterranean. New research Directions, Routledge, 2018, 119-47.


F. Marcello, “Forma urbis reconsidered: the making of Fascist Rome” in H. Roche (ed.) Companion to Classical Reception in Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, Brill Academic Publishers, 2017, 325-69.


F. Marcello, “Building the Image of Power: Romanità in the Civic Architecture of Fascist Italy” in H. Roche & K. Demetriou (eds.) Companion to Classical Reception in Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, Brill Academic Publishers, 2017, 370-403.


F. Marcello, “Italians do it Better: Fascist Italy’s New Brand of Nationalism in the Art and Architecture of the Italian Pavilion, Paris 1937” in Rika Devos, Alexander Ortenberg, Vladimir Paperny eds., Architecture of Great Expositions 1937-1958: Reckoning with the Global War, Ashgate Press, 2015.


F. Marcello & I. Woodcock, “Scratching the surface: technical and symbolic practices of contemporary ‘Green’ architecture” in A. Chaterjee (ed.), Surface and Deep Histories: Critiques, and Practices in Art, Architecture and Design, Cambridge Scholars Press, 2014, 129-50.


F. Marcello, “The Norme of 1932 and the Fascist Concept of Monument. Publio Morbiducci’s The History of Rome Through Its Built Works” in M. Hardy (ed.), The Venice Charter Revisited: Modernism & Conservation in the Post-War World, Cambridge Scholars’ Press, 2009.


-, “Una macchina per abitare? Modern Italian housing between Gio Ponti’s Casa all’italiana and Le Corbusier’s machine à habiter” in A. Novakov & E. Schmidle (eds.), Housekeeping. The Artistic Legacy of Le Corbusier’s machine à habiter, Mellen Press, 2008.


Refereed journal articles

F. Marcello, "Between censure and celebration: the decorative plan of the Casa Madre dei Mutilati in Rome (1926-1939)." Volume 24, Issue 2 (Special Issue: The Difficult Heritage of Italian Fascism, May 2019 , pp. 179-198.


F. Marcello, “Rome Remembers Fascism: Considering the Monument to the Fosse Ardeatine Massacre as an Immersive Historical Experience.” Rethinking Histories 20:1, 2017.


-, “All Roads Lead to Rome: the Universality of the Roman Ideal in Achille Funi’s incomplete fresco cycle for the Palazzo dei Congressi in EUR, 1940-43”, Civiltà romana. Rivista pluridisciplinare di studi su Roma Antica e le sue Interpretazioni, III, 2016, pp. 151-77.


F. Marcello & P. Gwynne, “Speaking from the walls: Militarism, Education and Romanità in Rome’s Città Universitaria (1932-35)”, Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, 74:3, September 2015.


F. Marcello, Italian Fascism, Middle Class Ideals, and Holiday Villa Pavilions at the 5th Milan Triennale of 1933, Open Arts Journal Special Issue: What is a Pavilion? Issue 2 (Winter 2013-2014).


-, “Mussolini and the Idealisation of Empire: The Augustan Exhibition of Romanità”, Modern Italy. The Journal of the Association for the Study of Modern Italy, 16:3, August 2011, 223-47.


- “The Politics of Place: Siting and Re-citing Mussolini’s New Party Headquarters, the Palazzo Littorio”, Architectural Theory Review, vol. 12, no. 2, 2007.


- “Giuseppe Pagano: A Rationalist Caught between Theories & Practices of Fascist Italy”, Architectural Theory Review, vol. 8, no. 2, 2003, 96-112.


Book reviews

D. Beynon & F. Marcello, “Out of Place (Gwalia): Occasional Essays on Australian Regional Communities and Built Environments in Transition”, Fabrications: The Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand, Volume 25, Issue 2, 2015, 294-7.


F. Marcello, The Third Rome, 1922-43: The Making of the Fascist Capital by Aristotle Kallis, Journal of Contemporary History. Journal of Contemporary History, Vol. 51, no. 4 2016, 906-908


Conference proceedings

F. Marcello and A. White (eds.), Interspaces: Art and Architectural Exchanges from East to West, University of Melbourne, 20-22 August 2010, Australian Institute of Art History, online publication.

 Professor Flavia Marcello, Writer, Curatorial Consultant, Tour Guide, Australia

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